Physical therapy

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Physical therapy

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Orthopaedic and rehabilitation center provides complete physical therapy and rehabilitation services delivered by licensed physical therapists and physical therapist assistants. Our therapists, in consultation with our orthopaedic physicians, provide health care services to patients of all ages and health conditions concentrating in the areas of orthopaedic, neuro-orthopaedic and occupational rehabilitation. Physical therapy includes: examining patients with impairments, functional limitations, and disability or other health-related conditions to plan appropriate interventions. Alleviating impairments and functional limitations by designing, implementing, and modifying therapeutic interventions. Preventing injury, impairments, functional limitations, and disability, including the promotion and maintenance of fitness, health, and quality of life in people of all ages. To initiate a program of physical therapy, the physical therapist examines the patient. This includes obtaining a patient history, performing relevant systems reviews, and selecting and administering specific tests and measurements. The physical therapist then performs an evaluation, making clinical judgements based on the information obtained during the examination of the patient.

Physical therapy

NombreSam Miler
CiudadChicago, Illinois
PaísEstados Unidos

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