Table game corruptolandia

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Table game corruptolandia

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This is a game created with the purpose of making people aware of public crimes that defraud the coffers of nations, and consists in that players start the competition assuming the direction of an entity which will represent in the course of the play and whose performance depends on whether it is good or bad. In the game there are twelve forms of public corruption that each one assumes according to their performance. There are also rewards for reporting corruption or punishment for hiding or committing them. Every time a player commits a crime, he must read it aloud to the other players to make this type of corruption more understandable and didactic, so that when the game is over, those who participated will have more clarity about it. Hence the importance of a game of this nature that has wanted to evidence such behavior. In addition the players can accumulate points to remove crimes committed, it is a few cards in which in its later part there is a legend that says: denouncing public corruption pays in such a way that this is a way to encourage those who denounce any time corrupt practice. The ultimate goal is for the game to become a way to train public officials and also private ones about such crimes to improve the development of surveillance and control activities. The game corruptolandia is a simulation of the public life of each official, in this case each player. The player can end up with several crimes committed or without committing any crimes. At the end you will see which corrupted modalities were carried out by one or more players. It is an ideal teaching game about the modalities of public corruption, emphasizing the importance of not committing them either by low- or high-ranking officials because they may end badly. The game aims to create citizen culture and public ethics.


CompañíaJuegos Pedagogicos
NombreAngie Prieto
PaísEstados Unidos

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